5 Emirates dark secrets revealed – from a perspective of a former EK cabin crew


32 responses to “5 Emirates dark secrets revealed – from a perspective of a former EK cabin crew

  • Anonymous

    Not only in Emirates. Etihad fires crew that have been abused on board by their seniors! And, it happens that those seniors are best friends of the management! So guess who is the one to be fired?


  • Wake Up Emirates Bosses

    Have you all read the email that was sent to staff about the results today. It sounded like a suicide note – we will not be making redundancies – YOU SHOULD BE FIRING PEOPLE – the incompetent uneducated managers and vps that are mooching off the system!! Have you heard of Grade 10 flying first class – that should be the first step – in fact fire half the managers – anyone working in same position for 10 years plus should be let go. Anyone WITHOUT A DEGREE IN A POSTION THAT NEEDS ONE OR ANYONE WHO LIED AND USED THEIR CONNECTIONS TO GET INTO EMIRATES SHOULD BE MADE REDUNDANT IMMEDIATELY / why do not these people understand? They are the ones ruining this company!!!! More bad news coming there is no way out – Ryanair made more profit than emirates – u know why because even with profit they shared with staff and kept morale high. And even after flydubai crash, emirates crash and idiots running this company they still don’t understand – very bad days ahead. Firing is not just the solution – having qualified people is and that is what will cost them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tim Clarky

      Wake up emirates bosses, I couldn’t agree more, they always blame external factors but they never admit that MANAGEMENT IS INCOMPETENT!
      They make the wrong decisions, they treat staff badly and they overwork them, exhausted staff makes mistakes, mistakes leads to accidents and accidents leads to lower consumer confidence.
      All the above equals lower profit.

      Elizabethe Lynche: living_the flylife, 134k followers, posted a clip of her sitting at DXB on her Instagram story, all she said was “I AM SO TIRED, I AM ALWAYS TIRED”

      Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, get rid of the dead wood and start empowering your staff, They are Emirates!

      Emirates Airline Profits Plunge

      A combination of geopolitical and macroeconomic factors brought about a sharp reduction in earnings at Emirates in the 2016-17 financial year, the Dubai-based airline reported on Thursday.

      Net profit dropped 82.5% compared to 2015-16, at AED1.25 billion ($340 million) compared to net profit of AED7.13 billion ($1.94 billion) last year. Revenue for the period was static at AED85 billion ($23.1 billion), ATW Online reported.

      Emirates Group chairman and CEO Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum said the aviation and travel markets were notoriously vulnerable to social, economic and political events, and “for us, this year has been a particularly testing one”.

      He cited a combination of global terrorist attacks, the attempted coup in Turkey, the UK’s vote to leave the European Union and the election of US President Donald Trump.

      Maktoum said the last of these factors, in particular, had affected Emirates, noting that the new US administration “in its first three months issued a raft of new measures relating to entry requirements, enhanced security vetting procedures and restrictions on personal electronic devices in aircraft cabins … These all directly impacted Emirates’ operations into the US.”

      The airline’s figures for 2016-17 show that an 8.1% rise in the number of passengers carried, which reached 56.1 million, did not keep pace with a 10.3% increase in capacity, measured in ASKs, which rose to 368 billion. Load factor dropped 1.4 points to 75.1%.

      Cargo carried increased 2.7% to 2.58 million tons.

      Over the year, Emirates added 35 aircraft to its fleet while retiring 27, the largest fleet roll-over program in the carrier’s history and one that brought its average fleet age down to 63 months, compared with 74 months last year. The industry average is 140 months.


  • Sir Calamity Tard

    Yes yes yes thanks to the horrible dollar, brexit, trump, laptop ban, united dragging their passenger in the aisle, $250 staff a month while the rest of the world pays $1250 for same job, cheap oil, flying unicorns we had to make a loss. Its their fault. We have amazing management. Uneducated staff who dont know how to spell. But they are geniuses I tell you. It’s Uniteds and strong euro i mean dollar fault. Yes all their fault. We are perfect. We are emirates. Here take $250 million for football sponsorship as it is vital to our expansion. Yes what do you mean we had a crash. No crash – it was the wind – it blew the plane away. We are the best – listen to me we are the best. Everyone else is to blame. Everything else is to blame. We will fill the planes – did you not hear? We are introducibg direct flights to antarctica? Discover it yourself – we will also park the planes there – a tribute to how great we are. We are the first and best to introduce direct flights to antractica 3 times a day 7 days a week.

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  • Tik Tok Tik Tok

    It seems to be very quiet here these days. Have all the staff quit the king of the skies already? One big news of the day is the Irish man, the head of the most vital department at EK which is Flight Ops has called it quits. Mr HD the DSVP is leaving. Not confirmed where but no more with EK. Last week was his number 2 Mr JA SVP. More news to come – get the popcorn ready or the tissue papers ready – depending on which side of the coin you prefer. Good luck to all still there and congrats to all who is making their way out. There is no doubt then unless emirates is building another airline, bad bad days ahead. Hello Future because tomorrow looks really bad.


    • Henry Alsford

      Henry Donovan said he would give it a year. Unlike the other dishonest British pricks, he kept his word and resigned as he could not stop the dishonest rot that corrodes EK every day. John Alsford didn’t have the same level of integrity as Henry. Both are leaving which shows the depths that EK are plumbing. The next crash is around the corner. Keep Discovering, Hello Catastrophe…..


      • Willy Walsh BA ex-EK

        HD is not British he is Irish – maybe that’s why he is more honest than the mafia? Is it me or does EK only hire EX-British Airway staff who are now consistently taking EK down the toilet 1000000 times over and over???????? Can someone type a report and answer me please? Oh EK do not having anyone have brain to type! So busy making china flag and brexit flag pins!

        Liked by 1 person

  • Tik Tok Tik Tok

    Don’t forget Mr HD was a respected man and if he couldn’t handle it then we can clearly see what the status Ek is in……


  • Social Responsibility ?

    Did they start laying off/ Firing Cabin Crew? Especially those with Industrial Injuries, past. A lot is being heard, on-board, that they give one-year contracts, or even not renewing contracts, or firing for any reason they can find. Can someone confirm this? Laying off people for industrial injury is really inhumane. If someone knows something please confirm.
    Also Rumors say that Terry Daly has resigned.


  • The Real Mrs Daly

    Yes my husband Terry has been asked to leave. We do not know how we will now afford to pay for all the children we have all over the globe thanks his non stop action with his small p**** and also how he will manage with all the free get out of jail cards in dubai for drinking under the influence. What can we say that is why I cannot pay for my plastic surgery bills because he spent it all. In fact after this I’m filing divorce from him. Emirates will be better without him no one will miss him – liar cheater now he facing what he deserving after so long. We hope it is not just him but the criminals who have made many money from this company HR, dnata travel all corrupt and they have managed to insert all their friends in the right place so we will struggle because my husbands friends will be caught too. Maybe I divorce filing now against Terry. Thief


  • Poops We Did It Again

    Making the waves globally thanks to another pressing of the send button by an incompetent manager. Keep it up because they keep getting away!



  • Terence Daly (DAILY) Drinker

    Confirmed that the odious Terry Daly was resigned. The Brit rats are fighting amongst themselves. What a wonderful gift for Eid 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  • Tim Clark

    Blah blah blah blah, excuses excuses, admit it EK, you have the worst management and staff are overworked and treated poorly.

    No mention of crashes, Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al-Maktoum, very interesting?


    Emirates airline profits plunge 82.5% in past year
    11 MAY 2017
    Carrier posts first drop in annual profits for five years, hit by US dollar’s rise, competition and travel restrictions.

    Emirates airline’s net profit dropped from $1.9bn to $340m in the past year [Barbara Walton/EPA]
    Emirates airline has blamed fierce competition, currency devaluations and US travel restrictions as it reported an 82.5 percent plunge in annual profits for the last fiscal year.

    The Dubai-based company said net profit at its airline business dropped to $340m in the year to March 31, down from $1.9bn in the previous 12 months – its first decline in annual profit for five years.

    The fall was the result of the US dollar’s “relentless rise” against currencies in its key markets and pressure on ticket prices due to stiff competition, the airline said in a statement.

    Emirates’ US flight cut ‘not permanent’, says Tim Clark

    Company chief Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al-Maktoum also pointed to “destabilising events which have impacted travel demand during the year”.

    These included Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, several attacks in Europe and restrictions on travel to the United States from the Middle East.

    In April, Emirates began slashing 20 percent of its 126 weekly flights to the US, one of the airline’s biggest growth potential markets, because of a drop in demand caused by tougher security measures and the Trump administration’s attempts to ban travellers from some Muslim-majority nations.

    Dubai was one of 10 cities in Muslim-majority countries affected by a ban on laptops and other electronics in carry-on luggage aboard flights to the US.

    Maktoum said the company expected “the year ahead to remain challenging”.

    John Strickland, a UK-based aviation consultant, told the Reuters news agency he expected Emirates “to keep a tighter rein on its capacity growth in the short to medium term”.

    Despite the challenges, the airline carried a record 56.1 million passengers in 2016-17, up 8 percent from the previous year.

    But the company added more seats than it could fill in 2016-17, leading to a drop in the average yield per passenger.

    The higher passenger capacity pushed up the carrier’s fuel bill by 6 percent to $5.7bn, despite a softening in average fuel price, Emirates said.

    “There’s been an overcapacity in the market – Emirates are getting 75 percent of their seats filled but they are putting more capacity in with more aircraft,” Alan Peaford, editor-in-chief of the Arabian Aerospace magazine, told Al Jazeera from Essex, UK.

    Peaford said he expected Emirates to continue expanding despite a decision to “pull back the delivery” of some planes.

    “They will need to continue to invest because always in the aviation industry we have peaks and troughs – and Emirates in the past have shown to be incredibly wily and buying airplanes in a trough,” he said.

    Airlines around the world have reported pressure on fares over the past couple of years due to volatile demand and cut-throat competition, though Europe’s major carriers have recently noted signs of the pressure easing.


  • Poops we did it again and again

    New news from Bouncy Castle – the powerful and good boy of TC – Mr Richard Jewsbury SVP Projects has also submitted his papers. He being tout of Tim but was put to report to Mr Meuller. A close member of TC departing

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dick Jewsbury

      Another racist Brit-thug leaves the sinking ship. We need a new term to match Brexit for Dubai. Ill call it Dregsit as the Dregs (of the Brit Mafia) are leaving Dubai…

      Let us hope Kevin Griffiths will be on the list soon….

      Liked by 1 person

      • Let's Make EK "great" Again

        Unless the protected Natrick Paef sorry meaning Patrick Naef ever leaves – Mr KG will keep drinking, discovering, damaging emirates airlines. I.T. is the king of mafia. I think even Italian mafia is scared of EK IT mafia. Keep dreaming – PN will pocket more money than Google, Facebook, Apple & Microsoft combined before he and KG & the WHOLE OF IT leaves. We should asking IT if someone there know how to even turn on a pc!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  • Ex-Costa Dweller

    It is with a heavy heavy heart we have been told not to sit and chat about the rubbish we talk about at our favorite Costa on 2nd floor EGHQ and our secret gossip location at Costa ground floor EGHQ. Now we must share the rubbish at our desks. It’s part of the strategy to align our amazing intelligence at one location. No more Double Whipped Mocha Chai Skinny Latte in a mug – all in paper cups. Yuck don’t they know the flavour gets ruined?

    Liked by 1 person

  • CabimCrew85

    I worked for EK as cabin crew for almost 2 years and HATED it. Everything written on this website is true. The job made me and my friends severely depressed and I was so happy to be able to leave when I could not take it anymore. I would advice anyone against working for this horrible company.


  • Anonymous

    Please give us Starbucks Dwellers an update on the Costa Dwellers. Is EK in a mess with no more Doha flights and issues in the US? Demoralised staff. No hiring. Please update us? Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  • When will SpeakUp Work Emirates?

    The above as reported in the media is true – but probably few weeks too old. This is probably just the few from senior management and it’s staff that have left or are leaving. It is a lot of rubbish this being – the peoples who are making many effect such as the uneducated managers and corrupt managers is the problem Ek is not able to fixing. Dragana i wishing you sharing more stories – because emirates 3 months back opening new channel called SpeakUp where staff being ask to sharing in “confidence” any info they having. But it is pure LIE because it is going to HR who is being most corrupt – I’m thinking staff believing this will bring change. It is a LIE because the corrupt peoples are still working at EK. And most being about HR – so how can HR monitor SpeakUp program when they are corrupt. If program actually worked all the corrupt thief nepotism managers will be fired but we are seeing them everyday. Only small Grade staff getting let go while the corrupt being still in their desk drinking costas coffee — WHEN WILL IT STOP? This airline losing money everyday but just to save face they are not firing the corrupt ones who getting paid every day for fake lies and no contributions

    Liked by 1 person

  • Poops We Did it Again!

    Seems onboard cost cutting has also begun – cabin crew caught on camera pouring back champagne into bottle. Now that’s new low – don’t forget there is on board camera in front of her too which meaning this is being done knowingly



    • Ex Crew

      The plane is on ground – most probably crew just filling to be drained later. Would be bad if the same guy releases another video showing same bottle being used to serve customers – else this is just normal


  • EX EK

    Hi all, can someone share what is going on in EK this days? I’ve heard a lot of cabin crew are being terminated and Terry Daly has resigned (is that true?) Is there any effort to improve things just a little? I left about a year ago and the situation in the company was very sad.


    • Hope to be EX EK one day

      Just scroll from top and read. In summary don’t worry you are the lucky one – you are out. Nil improvement. Enjoy your freedom and sanity


  • MJ 2 - I recall my XOXO

    One day just one day the blog owner of this blog will be given an award. Such BS this horrible airline shits out barf everyday – please watch this poor girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfgb36qggZE who has clearly been set up. Let’s compare schedules with “united”, “I’m not sure”, “showers in the staff lounge” can you send me a video of these so called “showers” — is it same as the showers to CLEAN YOUR SOUL? Her name is MJ XOXO – we the normal people stopped at 2 minutes of this disgusting promotional video of emirates NEVER hiring anyone. But we will hire the idiots as long as you are willing to work for us. Let’s hire anyone with anything below a high school certificate because we have “experience”. How is it that other airlines with more planes, less staff are successful? Let’s start with REAL degrees first. REAL brains. NEVER think you are above others that will destroy your destiny…..


  • Pavan Kanchan

    HH Sheikh Al Makhtoum hope you get to read my quote…I was made to work like a donkey by my Line Manager in Delhi. He then moved on to Thai Airways and now is heading Finance Department in Etihad Airways.
    I happened to bring in certain irregularities to the notice of Abdullah Nasser Abdullah the then VP India & Nepal as of which never got any annual appraisal’s due to my line managers angst towards me. These Managers just look to enhance their CVs milking staff like me and than looking for lucrative careers … leaving guys like me with no option but to perish. It was a real pride and honour to work for Emirates but the line managers looking for their personal growth and glory kill that feeling within .. Being associated with Emirates for a brief period was a privelege and a real honour. Thank you for the opportunity HH…





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