Consider this blog as a way for your voice to be heard

On the 8th of November 2014 this blog had two months anniversary. For this occasion I am publishing blog statistics (screenshots).

I am still disappointed that no one from Emirates Airline had a decency and a good will to apologize for harassment at work (and for managers who did not answer on my complaint on harassment – which is the harassment itself) and threatening me with prison (!) for writing this blog. This threat is really surprising since UAE people claim to be protective towards women and tolerant for different cultures and I believe them.

I am separating the company from its managers. I have worked for the company’s image and brand, not for the managers.This is why this blog’s name is about the management, not about the company.

pic 4

Nevertheless, I do not expect any apology any more and I will continue to write this blog as a form of investigative journalism and I invite all people who have something to say about the subject of this blog to write to me at

If Emirates Airline managers hurt you in any way, send me your story or your thoughts/opinions or suggestions for improvement even and, if you are able – provide evidence as well: names, e-mails, documents and audio/video records (be careful with the last one, though. Check UAE laws about recordings). I will be glad to help you to be heard worldwide since this blog had almost 300.000 views in just two months which is average of around 4.400 views per day or 1500 people reading the blog every day from all over the globe.

When I have published the Open letter to His Highness and the article about the attempt of EK to censor my articles, blog was on the list of 100 most read WordPress blogs in the world, taking high 7th place (around 16.000 visitors).

Blog has 555 comments so far.

Since this blog has a steady and big group of readers, especially from Europe, Canada, USA and Australia and since you have no unions and no rights, and you are not protected in any way from contracts violations and harassment at work, consider this blog as a way for your voice to be heard. I guarantee that you will remain anonymous. 

Total views for two months

Total views for two months

Average views per month

Average views per month

Most read articles

Most read articles

Referral links

Referral links

Search terms that visitors used to find the blog

Search terms that visitors used to find the blog

Number of visitors in the last 6 days

Number of visitors in the last 6 days

7th most read WordPress blog in the world

7th most read WordPress blog in the world

4 responses to “Consider this blog as a way for your voice to be heard

  • Anonymous

    Thank you Dragana! You have the courage that the majority of us don’t…or haven’t found it…yet. Best wishes!


  • Sandy

    Dear Dragana,

    While I find your efforts commendable, my thoughts are like this:
    When joining EKAS in ANY position, you willingly & knowingly, sort of give up your soul and hope for fairness. I just hope I will not have to experience what you went through. Still, I am not surprised by the incompetence experienced by many mid-level managers, themselves recruited for their paper titles and acceptance of meager compensation. Screaming and shouting downwards, filtering and “perfuming” bad information upwards is so commonplace, that I am convinced the top brass has little, if any, understanding of the real issues and problems. Maybe the handful of top managers are happy, not having to deal with the grit and gore. Still, much of the issues are stemming from an inherent unwillingness to make the individual employee feel appreciated, respected or safe in their roles and positions. Maybe that’s part of the “dhimmi” culture here, “rule through fear and intimidation”, and of course “if you don’t like it – leave it!”

    While the Airline has been very successful in its marketing, branding and expansion, I can sense a growing lack of morals, ethics, common sense, social competence within the organization. Greed, general incompetence, laziness and “taking the easiest road” is everywhere, as is many employees paralyzing fear of doing something wrong, taking any kind of responsibility outside their work description, and pointing out cracks and problems in procedures and organizations. A lot of this stems from one persons table, AaR. This person’s inability and social and cultural incompetence is a major factor that eats this company from the inside. That he is an “untouchable” and at the same time sits on 2 chairs is extremely unfortunate. He seems to enjoy warning, scaring, punishing, shouting at and firing employees. This colors the attitudes and behaviors downwards…

    EKAS has become too big too fast, while not addressing root causes of real problems and issues. I believe in short the declining trend will continue, unless HH will root up and change the fear culture.

    Dear Dragana, I still think you should have known that you shouted too loud, too much, to too many people. The only way, in the present company culture, they could react (knee-jerk) was to make their inconvenience go away – to get you fired! This has happened so many times before, today and tomorrow…

    Thanks for this blog and forum, keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • admindragana

      Dear Sandy, maybe you should write this blog instead, I admire your writing skills.:)

      I didn’t see their inconvenience go away. I just saw it bigger and more determined.

      Sometimes your soul and what you leave behind to the planet is more important than a job. I am aware how much I shouted.

      Also, I have never met AaR. I’ve sent him a harassment complaint, but he never responded. Otherwise, he would get his article here as well. His responsibility in all that is happening in EKAS is certainly the biggest.

      Thank you for your kind words and objective/skilful analysis of the circumstances inside EK.



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