Emirates purser arrested by the order of Vice President Human Resources?

There is an unwritten rule in Emirates Airline that employees are not protected against aggressive and unruly passengers. As in any customer service industry, employees are obliged to behave polite and with positive attitude towards problems or to deal with rude customers in a professional way. Sometimes it is possible to deal with those customers only with firm but respectful attitude. Firm and respectful attitude is especially valued in aviation due to security reasons as some passengers can make huge problems for the crew and other passengers during the flight. This is not how it goes in Emirates Airline. In Emirates Airline everyone is so afraid of losing their job that they are afraid to take the responsibility as well, including seniors and operational managers.

In Emirates Airline there is also a rule that whoever complains first is right. When passengers complain on staff, staff would get a call for a meeting with Customer Service department to explain what happened. At least in this way staff get the opportunity to explain what happened. Very often staff don’t get this opportunity. They are just punished instead. Former DVP EKAS Anoma Manuel abused this power to punish whoever she wants often, maintaining a constant rule of fear at the airport.

Seems that Emirates Airline has a lot to learn from Royal Brunei.

Seems that Emirates Airline has a lot to learn from Royal Brunei.

When I told an aggressive passenger that I will call the police if she continues to behave aggressively, my managers told me that “I have no right to call the police” and that I am “not a security agent at the airport”. Except the fact that this violates my right to call the police if I feel endangered, it also means that my job as a check in agent is to tag the bags and to issue a boarding pass only, regardless if I find my passenger dangerous to travel. I have to shut up, tag the bags, check the visa and issue the boarding pass for the right flight and if something happens with my passenger on board I would still be called to explain why I let him board the plane (?).

I also have a friend colleague from Serbia who boarded a passenger who was under the influence of alcohol. He assessed the passenger as not dangerous and let him and his wife board the plane (first and business class). This passenger was offloaded afterwards and my colleague was called to explain why he boarded a drunk passenger. Note that customer was calm all the time and that he didn’t make any problems. It turned out that the passenger was an influential mayor of one big European city. When managers found out this fact they let the passenger travel (which was a logical decision since passenger was not dangerous nor he drank too much). His wife told them not to punish my colleague otherwise she will sue Emirates. It means that my colleague was protected by the passenger, not by company seniors who made a wrong judgement, by the way.

These situations happen because official rules and procedures in Emirates Airline are not consistent. 

Being an Emirates Airline employee is very difficult and stressful as your company treats you like a replaceable number. Therefore, you are likely to be punished as a scapegoat whenever there is a problem with passenger, especially if they are prime customers (VIP, first and business class). You are not allowed to have an integrity of airport or aircraft staff and you are not allowed to make decisions of your own even if that is your job.

It is an interesting fact that lower grade employees are not allowed to call the police (!?) but seems like managers are allowed to do it. And it seems that managers report their own staff to the police, which is just a shocking news for me.

This is a message that I have got recently. I have decided to publish it. Since management doesn’t want to communicate with me (or fulfil their legal obligations towards me) I have no way to double check this story. This is why I am always open for any evidence which will prove that this story is false and I will remove the article if proven as not authentic. My blog was already searched for this story even before I have published it, so it seems that people already heard about it and expect to read it here.

This makes a shocking reading and a proof how Emirates Airline managers treat their employees. The particularly sad fact is that this manager, who reported his own staff, is actually working in Emirates Airline Human Resource department (!).

Hi Dragana,

“We had a local couple – Husband, Wife and Child.

Special meals time comes (we had over 80 CHML), child gets his food and after three bites decides he’d prefer the normal meal from the usual menu.
Mom calls over tge PUR and demandes that her child be given a Lamb meal.

PUR explains as per normal procedure that we will give him a meal once we have served all the cabins and if we have any left if not he will just have to stick with the child meal which they ordered and he subsequently continued to eat from.

This doesnt cut it and the mother throws a tantrum and tells the PUR that if the child cannot get the meal NOW the family will refuse to eat.
PUR turns and walks away.
Turns out we ran out of meals and we were giving customers crew meals, used up everything from YC and JC.

Cut to landing and after securing the PUR approaches the couple and apologises once more but they are not having any of it. The PUR thinks whatever its Xmas Eve and the flight will be over soon.

Once we start disembarking the couple leaves. After a short while the Dubai Police march onboard and arrest PUR.

Everyone starts freaking out. She talks to them in private and comes back and tells us : “Guys im not winning this one please leave and dont worry about me..”

We make our way onto the bus, into HQ, fetch our luggage and try and learn what has happened to her. The FO is making a call to people he knows to try and get the situation sorted out, the Captain stayed with her.

We watch her baggage go round and round the carousel and nobody knows what to do with it.

We find out exactly what happened. The family laid a charge against her. The family she ‘disrespected and offended’ the husband is VP HR.

So apparently you can do that here. If a local feels you’ve offended them they can approach the police.

What utter bullshit. She was an AWESOME purser but yeah the SFS told us she’s in a lot of trouble

Thats the end of what I got.

Message about arrested purser

Message about arrested purser

61 responses to “Emirates purser arrested by the order of Vice President Human Resources?

  • sudafrika

    Dear Dragana,
    If and I say again if this terrible story is true, please let me forward Cindy’s story in full to the Minister of Transport in South Africa. I have a relationship which will insure that this situation is notified to her in full and in the shortest time scale possible. I hope Mr. William Lofberg who has been involved in aero political discussions between Dubai and SA Authorities takes note of this as EK want even more flights to SA. I am aware of certain discussions for the fourth Jo’burg flight. As a South African, I am so upset to read this. Please let us all have an update on this matter as soon as you can? Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We will insure that our Government deals with this matter relating to Cindy with the seriousness it deserves.


  • Anonymous

    Which part of HR is this VP from?


  • tagha1

    I’ve witnessed more horrible stories such as this, I remember once I was on a plane that got almost delayed because of pax who was sitting on other seat….while going inside from the first class, I saw the family of a very EK high official VP…I saw his kids were playing on the aisle, one of them was insulting the crew by saying in a loud voice “This is my dad’s plane, I will let my father fire you!!!” then he threw the juice glass almost on the crew face!! His father was looking at his son with pride that he didn’t say anything to his kid!!!

    Those high people should be a role model for others specially juniors, they should set rules by their behaviors. I also remember that Mr Clarks was most of the time giving his first class seat to a passenger from economy class. You know, I feel so sorry for Cindy and I think that same can be solved internally and without a third party (police)….thats really a shocking news.


  • Cheers

    This is even worse than the Korean flight where the daughter of the CEO flared up because she wanted to be served nuts in a plate instead of a bag. However with Korean the CEO stepped down and apologised for the incident
    In this incident, the DSVP of airport Mohammad Mattar should be fired. How could he allow police to arrest an Emirates staff without an investigation….however I guess he is busy resting in his lavish home earning big bucks without doing any work.
    I really hope that this issue can get international media coverage just like the Korean flight which seems mild in comparison the the Emirates case.


    • admindragana

      No one has denied this news yet (I would expect fast response from EK management in cases like this). I am still open to accept the proofs that story is false and to delete the article.

      All info that I am getting suggest that it really happened. I am still waiting for a confirmation but if it’s true it is a huge embarrassment for Emirates Airline which they have to deal with seriously.


  • Anonymous

    Dragana, if this is true then the news must know about it. This is so horrible and worse than what happened on Korean. EMirates must not get away with this! Please try to confirm the story and get it out to the press.


    • admindragana

      It is on Emirates Airline to deny the story.

      I have tried to communicate with the management, but they are not responding ever since they threaten me with a prison. So, there is no way for me to check this story, except to ask around or wait for someone from the crew to confirm it here and that takes time.

      Since my policy is to publish every message I get which sounds honest, authentic and/or disturbing and remove it and apologize if it wasn’t true, I have decided to publish this story due to its disturbing content.


  • ekpurser

    I’ve heard this on board. There has to be some truth to it. It isn’t the “first” time EK DSVP/SVP/VPs have abused their powers and thrown their toys out of their cot.


  • Anonymous

    Thanks for publishing this. It is really sad that this is the only channel, a disgruntled ex-EKAS employee’s (Dragana) blog. Note that the local media is heavily (self) censoring. EK is a major for advertisement moneys, in bed with the local government and all authorities. Not sure that it would come out, except maybe a few lines in / days…???
    Keep it up Dragana, thanks for this forum and meeting place.


  • lola

    I don’t buy this story at all. Been in EK for many years, this story is total BS, and many others on this page. I don’t know the ground staff situation…..but the cabin crew staff you post here ,is all BS. There is almost 20 000 cabin crew working in EK, just because some who lost their jobs send you nasty message as revenge towards their ex-employee, doesn’t mean its true at all.


  • lola

    Even the letter that is “supposed” to be between the purser and the MCC, its not right and you know it. Dragana, i felt bad when I heard your story, but after reading your blogs and found lots of lies there, I completely changed my mind. As you said you worked for EK for 1,5 years, I did for 2 decades……and answer to your question if its all BS…..if you are not 100% honest, you are not honest at all. How do you expect me to believe all the other stories when i see the cabin crew stories are made up? You say if EK is not denying it it, it must be true…. well, why should they even react to your articles full of lias here? Anyways, have a good day and little advise….move on, leave all the negativity behind. Wishing you all the best in the future.


    • admindragana

      Thank you, lola, I wish you all the best as well.:)

      This letter is not “supposed to be” between purser and MCC. It is from someone else who witnessed it.

      I didn’t say that it is true if the company didn’t deny it. I just stated that I haven’t got a confirmation or denial yet. I will apologize if the story is false but I felt like publishing it in case there is truth in it. As we can see from the comments – it happened before as well.

      I didn’t write stories and comments from cabin crew here, so you will have to accuse all 100% of them for lying. I just provided a virtual space for them to express their feelings and thoughts.

      If you were 20 years in the company you must have noticed its degradation and how different it was only 10 years ago?


      • lola

        I would love to see who “witnessed” the conversation between the MCC and the purser, since the conversations are private, and go to private work emails.


        • admindragana

          But where did you see MCC in the letter? Only crew, VPs family, FO, Captain, purser and police.

          This is the description of a situation described by someone who experienced it.


          • lola

            The conversation was between the crew and MCC….i was talking about the one where they apparently invited the whole crew for dinner, even after the crew resigned 😀 Honestly, anyone working in EK knows this is BS, Dragana. They know very well where you are, Dubai, London or if you resigned. So please do not spread lias here.


          • admindragana

            It was an e-mail correspondence between one crew (with all the others, who were doing the flight, in cc of the e-mail) and manager and that crew shared it with me. I posted screenshots.


          • Cheers

            Lola, speak for yourself. Most people on this forum are either still working with or were working with EK. All of us know that everything on this blog does justice to the truth. You see one of those who spend most of their time trying to earn brownie points from the your bosses whilst doing nothing at all. Are you aspiring to be management or already reached there? Your language and communication skills indicates to the latter.


    • tolola

      I heard the story from a person who was operating the flight. I saw in my friend’s face the emotions of feeling sorry for the purser who was adored by all the crew and the shock of ridiculousness of not even letting her go back to HQ on a crew bus! I checked my friend’s roster now, the name of the purser mentioned on this website too, and yes, its exactly the same event.


  • Travy

    How did the person who witness this situation know the passenger wanted lamb meal? How did they know the purser thought “whatever it’s Xmas” ? How did they know it was a VP? I’ve checked the menus for the flight, lamb was served in Y class only (can check in advance on EK website for passengers), and I’m sure if it was a VP they would have been in first of business. To finalise my point, the purser is still a work and is flying, so I doubt this story is true….


    • admindragana

      Welcome back WTF. I am rather surprised that you didn’t use your old nickname from Edgar’s story, where you also defended the company for imprisoning the passenger.

      I really don’t understand your questions. Crew and passengers could witness the incidence. Purser talked to her crew (and witness) about Xmas and her passengers. VP wanted an economy class meal (sounds valid since purser told them to wait until all the passengers, in every cabin, get their meals).

      It’s not the question of purser being well and at work, it’s the question whether this purser was molested by VP who called the police. Do not confuse the points here, please.

      As I said before, if somebody gives me their name and a proof that this didn’t happen I will delete the article and apologize.

      Since you are all trying to discredit the story, but not giving your names and designations, I can’t do that. I am too worried that this story is true.


      • lola

        Well i think you should get real facts first before posting them…..not post “rumors” and then wait for them to be confirmed or denied.


        • admindragana

          I have checked the facts and this is what I have got.

          Waiting for company’s reaction is just a courtesy of mine and being fair towards them.


        • Abe

          lola i think you are either blind and deaf or you are sabotaging the “voice” of all the crew members who have suffered from all the abuse that Emirates embraces, supports, maintains and even rewards. I have had the same kind of experiences while working for over 3 years for Emirates. These are testimonies for those who are just ignorant but they are facts for those who know from the inside…It is just a disgrace….


    • iluvek

      Travy, We have a lovely “gentleman” at EK called Alan Steely DSVP. He flies Economy. You should know that as you are a “Purser.” There are several Grade 11 and above staff members that do. Not everyone like you has businesses all over the place with the income to match! Please learn to write in English. Not Hinglish. What is “lamb meal?” Your VRs must be a delight to read, Assuming of course, that your are indeed a Purser and don’t work in the INAD office. As you always sign off, Brgds……



    Travy. Welcome back. We missed you. Your usual witty insight is entertaining. Thank you. Lola. Is your comment aimed at EK managers that attack with out any proof and punish everyone because of a few idiots. Or at Dragana who is STILL waiting for proof and is printing everyones replies. Yours included. Looks like Cindy S is indeed back at work. No proof it wasn’t her or that she wasn’t arrested. Please apply the same standards to EK management. Unless of course you are one yourself and are busy trolling…….


  • PEK

    Hi guys, i’ve been reading the comments and wasn’t really going to reply but then I felt that there’s a lot of hate towards EK and me being HAPPY here I feel like this hate is also on me! I don’t really want to get into arguments or back and forth replies with anyone but I just have one simple comment to make.
    There’s only 1 Cindy S from south africa who is a purser and indeed she had a flight coming back on Christmas Eve. So if she was arrested her roster will surely reflect “Suspended with/without pay” until the investigation is over. Even if she was arrested and released the company will surely conduct it’s own investigation as to what has happened and she will still be suspended pending the outcome. However she had days off after that flight and then a flight to MEL/AKL.

    I am not saying that the story is completely BS but I strongly believe there’s more to what the crew has written in that letter.


    • admindragana

      Maybe she was released the same day. Maybe it was more to the story.

      However, there are low chances that the company would investigate, as the company doesn’t care enough to give money and resources to investigate the issues. They would cover up any story of this kind, and continue like nothing happened. And the staff involved would be silenced and threatened or forced to resign. There is no third option with Emirates.

      But, this story is so absurd that I believe that nobody would investigate it even if they had a good will to investigate it, because the very act of calling the police over one meal issue is extremely ridiculous.


      • lola

        Maybe she was released the same day???……..thats what i said. Please DO NOT POST RUMOURS FROM ON BOARD HERE….post facts, things that actually really happened.


        • admindragana

          If you have a proof that it didn’t happen, please send it to me. You are in the better position for confirming or denying the story than I am. Until then, you can post a picture of your good brand company shoes and 6000euros salary here.


          • Anonymous

            Dragana is your 60 euro salary in serbia bothering you.


          • Anonymous

            I guess she earns her money honestly unlike the whore master cabin crew managers who lie, force girls into abortions, file fake police cases, force sick crew to hq to be certified sick and cover up suicides. Does that make the money your earn halal? Clearly you are the one talented to write for Eastenders. Muppet


          • D.

            No. I don’t live in Serbia since the time you have threaten me with jail for writing this blog.


    • admindragana

      No hate here. Please, continue to be happy. All the best.


  • PEK

    Thanks for the wishes Dragana, I will continue to be happy for sure. I wish you all the best as well.

    Although I have mentioned in my comment that I do not intend to get involved in back and forth replies and comments but seems like your blog is adictive 🙂
    I just have one question that is really confusing me…. Why would a VP of HR… I repeat HR, that’s human resources… why would he call the police? I mean if I were him I would just take her name and staff number and turn her life into a living nightmare… you know, call her in to the office, warnings, downgrade to SFS, pull some strings and give her the worst flights possible. I mean if what you say about the EK management is true, this would be the easier option don’t you think?
    I just still don’t buy the story of the police being called to arrest her only to release her straight away…


  • lola

    This story is a total BS. Full stop.


    • admindragana

      You will have to provide more proofs for that than just a rude comment.

      It turned out that you were not right about the brand of staff’s shoes and self certification period for cabin crew, so chances are big that your are not right this time as well.


      • lola

        Oh Dragana, you are such an expert on Emirates i have to say. Working for the company for 1,5 years, being fired without being paid End of Service benefits, escaped the country without proper ending of the employment…….you are truly THE RIGHT person to comment, write. As I said…..you are THE EXPERT. lol

        And you are an expert on cabin crew life too, apparently. Im still flying, darling and we talk on board, even talk about your blog, and no offense, but 9 out of 10 crew say they read it once, but there is so much hate in your blogs, so much bitterness, not right facts…they just can’t be bothered to follow. Don’t forget, we are almost 20 000 crew. No matter what I say , you will not agree with me, because you were fired from EK and have hate in you and want revenge. Thats what your blog is all about.


        • admindragana

          So, no proofs yet, just rude comments? I was really hoping for some facts.

          After so many people wrote to me, explaining their situation in EK, yes I became an expert of EK. It doesn’t take much intelligence for that, though. It’s very simple: managers want their bonuses and easy lives and they treat staff like half-slaves for that, ruining the company in the meantime. Not all the managers, but if you want to succeed in EK you have to adjust, so either keep your mouth shut and see evil or do evil.

          You sound like it’s my fault that I was being threatened with the police and not being paid my EOSB.

          You are not a purser. Otherwise, you would not dare to defend he company where 200 crew resign every month. You would know your salary and shoe brand and you would know about sickness self certification.

          You sound like someone who thinks only about themselves and their own benefits and salary. You also sound subjective, negative and aggressive.You always have the time to read the blog and comment it. When are you flying? In another words – you sound like a management troll.


        • carl88

          The real bs is that 9 out of 10 think the blog is full of hate. Maybe it’s right to say that 9 out of 10 think exactly what dragana thinks abt this company and its management and the culture of fear spread all over it. I honestly can’t see any seek for revenge in that blog.


    • Iluvek

      Lola. Speaking of BS, you didn’t get the right brand of shoe. I didn’t see the pic I asked for. Please also provide your feedback on the collapse of the self certification for sick leave? Also, you claim to earn 26000 AED or so per month. Really? Not many pursers I know on that. Around 20000 with accommodation is about right. Look forward to your reply.


      • lola

        Darling….i know my payslip better than you, don’t you think? If my basic is nearly 10k, calculate the flying pay and living out allowance and do the math. Im not counting the hotel allowance in that ….which can go up to 1500-2k per month. And yes, the shoes keep changing….i only posted an example to prove that the shoes are not cheap brands, as mentioned on the post. Take a chill pill.


  • Cheers

    Lola, you made a mention about “hate” & “bitterness” on this blog. Do you even know the meaning of the words? And whom do you discuss this with? More people of your ilk?…wannabe managers?.
    If you don’t like what’s written on this blog, why do you even bother to log in so frequently to post comments.??
    And by the way all that’s on the blog is the simple truth as reported by abused and harassed ex and current employees. If it was so hateful and bitter it would not be one of the highest viewed blogs.
    Save your comments for your discussions within the EK premises where you will get brownie points.


  • Jamal

    Standard BS from Dragana, trying to drum up a good story. Really, with all your melodrama you should probably be writing for Eastenders. At least that would officially fall under the title of entertainment. You don’t even work there any more Dragna. If I sent you a message saying that senior management had a secret pact with aliens to conduct experiments on all grade 2’s, and sent you a “copy of an email proving it”, you would be all over it. Get a life.


    • Anonymous

      Over 1.1 million separate views would imply differently, Jamal


      • D.

        Emirates never sent me a denial of this story. On the other hand, I got a confirmation of it from several members of the crew who were on that flight. As always, Emirates are welcome to contact me. I will delete anything which turns out not to be true.


        • Anonymous

          I flew with this particular purser in question and yes very true. Sad thing is the STAFF had never apologised for the situation and abused their so called “power” – truly disgusting behaviour and police should be ashamed.


  • Anonymous

    what is a PUR?



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